Thursday, October 2, 2014

Days 6 and 7! Our little girl is 1 week old!!!!

Look at that smile!  Evan and I spend as much time as we can every day just sitting with our little girl, watching her make faces, and finding ourselves overcome with smiles ourselves when she makes a face like this!
 Like her dad, Ellie loves to be in a bed of fleece!
After Evan took this photo he said, "I just took a true family portrait, " i.e. this is what parenting looks like: mom laying on the floor with a very sore back, dad all smiles as his little angel looks up at him.
 ... though I'd say I look like this more of the day... all smiles with my little Ellie.
 One of our favorite Ellie activities with Ellie is dancing with her as she gazes up at the lights.
We had our first 'road trip!'  We drove to Gridwood, walked around a bit, then attempted a short walk out to Bird Point. Ellie is the one inside the down jacket.
 We have had BEAUTIFUL weather in Anchorage the last few days... most of which we have only been able to enjoy through our windows.  But, the last two days, we have bundled Ellie up and laid on the grass in our front yard to enjoy the fall weather.

Look at those tiny hands.

 .... kissy faces.

... and more kissy faces.


  1. I can't get enough, but I SO LOVE the first and the last!

  2. Like! That first one looks more like an old fashioned belly laugh to me.

  3. Okay, so now thinking about this more carefully....that pic of Annie on the floor and Evan holding a camera and taking a picture of....himself...
    done with a mirror? ????
