Thursday, October 9, 2014

Moving on to week 3!

Ellie is now two weeks old and believe it or not Annie and I have already noticed she has grown and have reminisced on the "days when she was SO TINY!"  Now she has crested 7lbs 5 oz.

Annie making fun of Ellie's "fencing reflex".  All babies, when turning their head to one direction will instinctively extend that arm and curl the opposite arm up...weird instinct but Ellie does it all the time!

Annie and I swore that Ellie was looking across the room at Annie cooking right after we took this photo.  She is definitely looking at stuff now!


  1. Thank you, thank you! Love 'em.

  2. I remember when we first visited you. You were in your box in the living room staring intently at us, and Gram exclaimed, "Look he's thinking!".
